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Bangalore, India to Dublin, Ireland amidst Covid-19

We, (myself, my husband, and our ten years old daughter), travelled from Bangalore to Dublin through Paris on 13th August 2020, as my husband got an employment offer from Ireland. We all were excited about the relocation but cautious.

When our friends and relatives came to know that we travelled during the pandemic, many, who wanted to join their spouse or family abroad, but concerned about travelling with kids, started pinging us asking for the precautionary measures we took and the travel details. This is my humble attempt to write down the preparations for the travel and how we travelled. 

    As soon as we came to know that we have to travel from Bangalore to Dublin any time in August, we started our planning. 

    We avoided going to any shops for purchase, in order to avoid the interaction with the public so that the risk can be reduced. We purchased all the items which were required for our travel, including shoes, from Amazon. The packets which were arriving were also handled very carefully. We were wearing a mask while collecting the packets from the security gate and while opening the same. After removing the items from the box, we washed our hands with soap and water; the clothes and utensils were washed immediately and dried in sunlight. The items which are not washable were kept untouched in a separate place for 3-4 days after applying the sanitizer spray, if possible. 

    We kept on telling ourselves and to our daughter that we are going to have a long journey and we should be mentally and physically prepared for the same and throughout the journey, we should stay positive and pleasant and should avoid unnecessary contacts with any person and/or surface. Our daughter was gifted with 2-3 books from her favourite series so that she can be engaged during the journey. Stocked up 8-10 dry fruits bars to munch on the way. 

    While packing the bags – both check-in and hand-carry - we were specific that the baggage weight should not exceed the allotted limit. This helped us to avoid unnecessary unpacking and repacking at the airport. 

    We packed all the PPE kits, face shield, face mask, sanitizer etc: in one hand-carry so that it will be easy for us to access whenever required. The dresses that we needed for the first 2 days after reaching Dublin was packed in another hand carry. 

Travel Essentials 
  • PPE Kits - As we had four hours layover in Paris, we bought two sets of PPE Kit for each of us. The pants and top type PPE kits are available in Amazon, which will be more convenient for long-distance flights. We bought 4 pants-top styles PPE 

         and 2 coverall suit ( ). Don’t worry, you will not feel suffocated after wearing the PPE kit. 

  • Face ShieldsEven though face shield was available with the PPE kit, we bought separate face shields. Kids size face shields are also available in Amazon
( We bought two sets of face shield for each of us.
  • Face Mask – Make sure that you have more than enough of face masks with you. It's advisable to use the N95 mask. Carry 4-5 mask for each person. We need to change the mask every four hours. We packed masks in zip pouches as set of 3  so that we will not be touching the unused masks while changing the masks. It is better to carry some surgical masks as well, as in some places they may ask passengers to wear a surgical mask(yes N95 is not allowed).
  • Sanitizer – Nowadays, it is allowed to carry 350ml of sanitizer per person in the hand carry (please confirm the permitted volume with the airlines). We carried sanitizer in 100ml travel bottles (6 such bottles) and packed 2 bottles each in zip pouches.
  • Sanitizer wipes – Wipes will come to handy if want to clean the hand rest or tray in the flight. 
  • Disposable Paper Toilet Seat Covers – I feel that it is a must-have for women and kids while commuting to avoid direct contact with unhygienic seats.
  • Pen(s) – Remember to carry 4-5 pens and not to share the same with anyone.
On the day of travel 
  • Double checked that we filled in all the forms that are applicable. We had received ‘Passenger Locator form’ from Ireland consulate along with our visa, which has to be filled by each adult and to be submitted at the Immigration Counter in Dublin. The form was asking for the details such as the address where we will be staying during quarantine, phone number, email address and phone number of any local contact person (if any).
  • A representative from Air France had sent us a mail asking for a soft copy of our travel documents, such as, passport, visa, boarding pass and work permit, which we sent without fail.
  • Did the web check-in and printout of the boarding pass were kept along with the passport.
  • Kept the pen and sanitizer in a handy place, so that we can pick it at any point in time.
  • Packed all the electronic devices, such as – laptop, mobile phone, charger bunk, power cables, hands-free etc. in easy to access place. In the Bangalore airport, at the security checking, they asked us to keep all the devices including headset in a separate tray for screening.
  • Reached the airport 4 hours before the scheduled departure time.
    Our flight was at 1:40 am on 13 August 2020. As we had to start from home in the night itself, we reduced the intake of fluid from the afternoon, so that we can reduce the frequency of washroom usage in the airport and in the flight. 

    We had a heavy dinner, which was prepared by our lovely friend Remya. Even though she is busy with work, home and kids, she happily offered us dinner, which I couldn’t deny as we were busy with cleaning and packing. After long five and a half months, I had the food which was notprepared by me. 

    Keeping the social distance norms (no handshaking, no hugs and with a face mask on), we waved bye to our friends and neighbours. Many friends offered us to drop us to the airport, and we also felt that as a good idea as we can avoid the risk of travelling in a taxi driven by an unknown person. Our friends, Venu and Sujith, drove us to the airport. 

    All of us were wearing full-length pants/jeans, socks, shoes and an N95 face mask. We did not wear jackets as we were planning to wear PPE kit after reaching the airport. 

    At the airport, the security insisted that only the passengers can get down from the car. We took the assistance of the airport staff for the baggage dropping. At the airport gate itself, a form has been given. The details such as our permanent address, phone number, flight details, whether we have any past travel history etc: have to be filled by each passenger. Our body temperature was checked and mentioned in the form. 

    The security at the entrance gate was standing in a covered cabin. We need to show the passport and boarding pass through the glass window. We had to remove the face mask to verify the identity. Once we entered into the airport, a representative from the COVID Care cell collected one half of the form and will put a seal on the other half of the form and asked us to submit the same at the emigration Counter. 

    In the baggage drop counter, the airline staff asked the purpose of your travel and proof to confirm the same. Once the document is verified, the boarding pass has been issued and instructed to use a face mask in the airport and throughout the flight. From there we head straight to the emigration counter. 

    At the emigration counter, we submitted the other part of the form that we filled. The emigration officer asked us to remove the face mask to verify the identity. Once the emigration is cleared and approved, we moved to the security gate. 

    At the security gate, we did not have to take off the shoes. All the electronic devices, even the headset has to be placed in the tray for scanning. Once the security check is done, we walked to the gate. 

    Seats near the gate is arranged in such a way that, there will be less interaction with other passengers. We found out a corner and sat there. 

    Just before boarding the flight, we changed the masks and wore PPE kit and face shield. We felt that many passengers were a bit sceptical about wearing the PPE, but once we gave a lead, whoever carrying the kit also followed us. 

The facts that we noticed at the airport: 
  • There are clear marking about the place where we can stand or sit. 
  • Sanitizers are kept at every nook and corner. 
  • All the staffs and officers are sitting in a partitioned area, wherever possible, and all of them are wearing a face mask, face shield and gloves. 
  • The staffs who are having direct interaction with passengers were wearing PPE kit, gloves and all. 
  • The floors, handrails, seats, bathrooms are being sanitized at regular intervals and the airport was very neat and clean. 
  • While boarding the flight, the airport staff was distributing the surgical mask and face shield to the passengers who were wearing the cloth mask and instructed them to change to the surgical mask. 
    Its almost 10 hours flight from Bangalore to Paris and we slept for most of the time. The flight was not jam-packed. In the flight, if you are from the same family or travelling together, then only the consecutive seats were allocated; otherwise, the middle seats were left unoccupied. The cabin crew instructed the passengers to wear the mask throughout the flight and not to roam around unnecessarily. 

    Almost 2 hours after takeoff, snacks have been served. Before keeping the food, we cleaned the tray with alcohol wipes. There were some cut fruits, sweets, lassi tetra pack. 200 ml of bottled water, and a chocolate bar. We didn’t eat the cut fruits and sweets as that was open. Using the alcohol wipes, we cleaned the lassi pack, water and chocolate packings and then ate those. 

    After flying for around 5 hours, we used the washroom. Toilet seat cover came in handy for me and our daughter while using the washroom. After using the washroom, we washed the hands thoroughly with soap and water, changed the mask and disposed of it. After coming out of the washroom, we applied sanitizer on the hands. 

    An hour before landing in Paris, breakfast has been served. Cut fruits, piping hot Pongal-vada-sambar in a sealed container, tetra pack juice, 200 ml bottled water, packed buns, jam and butter was there. For 3 of us, we took only 2 breakfast. Again, the tray has been wiped with an alcohol wipe, food packets were also cleaned with alcohol wipes. We did not consume the cut fruits as that was open. 

Paris Airport
    After landing in Paris, the cabin crew made sure that passengers are not rushing to get down and even the passengers were ready to wait for 2-3 mins: so that the people in the front row can get down at first. 

    After coming out from the aircraft, we proceed to the gate for the connection after removing the PPE kit and face shield and disposing of those after putting in the biodegradable bag came along with the kit. 

    We had almost 4 hours of layover in Paris. Paris airport was crowded and social distancing was unpractical at the security check and all. It took more than an hour to finish the security check and reach the gate from where the flight to Dublin will take off. The main advantage is that we had to take out only the laptop, belt, sanitizer and jacket for screening. All other items like phone, charger bunk and all could be kept in the bag and push for the security check. We found out a less crowded place near the gate and sat there. After washing our hands, we munched the dry fruits bar as we all were feeling tired. 

    Just before the boarding from Paris, we changed the mask and wore PPE and face shield. We were using N95 mask; but while boarding, to our surprise, airline staff told us that N95 mask is not allowed and we have to use the surgical mask. Luckily, we had some surgical masks with us and we used those. The flight from Paris to Dublin was less than two hours and was a small aircraft with less than 100 passengers. So we were able to keep all the social distancing norms in the flight. 

    After de-boarding at Dublin airport, we had gone through the Immigration where we had to submit the filled and signed Passenger Locator form which we received along with the visa. Once the immigration clearance is done, we disposed the PPE and face shield after putting those in the biodegradable bag came along with the kit, and changed the mask. Then we collected our baggage from the conveyer belt, passed through the customs and came out of the Dublin airport around 2PM on 13 August 2020. 

    We took a taxi from the airport and came to the accommodation reserved by husband’s company. We got the apartment in the corner of the building, so there are ample sunlight and air circulation. The apartment has a small private garden as well, which is an added advantage as we can step out and stay there to get some fresh air. 

    My husband’s brother and family, who are already in Dublin got a SIM for us and brought the food, grocery, toiletries and other essential items by the time we reached our accommodation. After reaching the accommodation, we washed our hands and face thoroughly and opened the hand-carry in which we packed the dress for 2 days and picked up the dress to change. We kept all the luggage in the storeroom and did not take that for the next 2 days. After taking a long shower in warm water, we put the dress that we were wearing on the journey to the washing machine and washed them. Then only we had our lunch, which brother and family brought. 

    When we wake up the next day after a sound and good night sleep, we all were feeling fresh as a daisy.
    It is a blessing that our family is here; they got us all the essential items, food, curries and all, as we are not allowed to go out for shopping during the quarantine. In fact, they made our 14 days quarantine stress-free. 

Winding Up
    Even though the write-up is long, I assume that this will be helpful for those who wish to travel abroad, but worried about the same in this pandemic. If you are mentally prepared and physically fit, you can travel; the only thing is that you should be extra cautious throughout the journey. 

    Throughout the journey, we cleaned our hands with sanitizer or soap and water, before and after eating food or drinking water, before and after changing the face mask or PPE. Our daughter also was very cautious and was happy to wear PPE, face shield and mask, even though she found it difficult to sleep with the face shield. Before disposing of the face mask and PPE kit, we placed those in cover or the biodegradable bag came along with the PPE and wrapped tightly. 

    Today our quarantine get over and we three are healthy and safe. Our daughter is so excited to meet her cousins, to whom she couldn’t meet as we were in quarantine. We will be shifting to our rented house in a week’s time and our daughter will be starting school soon. 

Stay Healthy…. Stay Safe….. Travel Safe…. 


  1. Beautifully written dear..worth reading for someone who is travelling during the pandemic..👏👏

  2. Well articulated. Indeed it helps for people who planned to travel during this pandemic. Thanks Ashwini.

  3. Really good and helpful guide for those travelling during these times.

  4. Such a detailed description..Thank you Ashwini .
    It's such a helpful tips and ideas

  5. Elaborately rendered Achu.... This is useful for those people who prefer traveling during this pandemic.

  6. Meticulously written which will be a handbook for travellers specially during these pandemic.

  7. Very informative and helpful for those travelling..good job Achu

  8. Thank you for taking your time and writing this up. Absolutely going to help others who are planning to travel.. Nicely done!


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